Society and Mental Health

What is social media addiction?

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Most of us tend to reach for our phones first thing in the morning, whether it’s to scroll through Facebook or catch up with social media updates we missed overnight. Humans spend more hours than we want to admit on social media and consuming digital content. In 2024, the average social media user in 2024 spent approximately 143 minutes per day on social media. While 5.22 billion people, or 63.8% of the world's population, are active on social media — and most use it without issue —  approximately 6% of the world’s population or 210 million people have become addicted to and excessively use these digital platforms, leading to negative impacts on their lives. 

However, because research into social media and its impact on our lives is still lacking, recognizing social media addiction can be challenging. This article aims to highlight what social media addiction is, what being addicted to social media looks like, and how to recognize when the addiction is negatively impacting our life.


What is social media addiction?

Social media addiction can be viewed as a form of Internet addiction, where users have an uncontrollable urge to log on and excessively use social media platforms. Considered as a developing diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V), research on social media and internet addiction in general is still scarce with no clear representation on what internet addiction truly looks like or how the addiction manifests day-to-day.

However, despite this, social media addiction is similar to substance abuse disorders in various aspects, like:

  1. Salience
  2. Mood modification
  3. Tolerance
  4. Withdrawal
  5. Conflict
  6. Relapse

With approximately 12% of users across social networking websites affected by social media addiction, it’s a phenomenon that should be investigated – especially when so many users are negatively impacted. But, how does addiction develop in the first place?

Users who suffer from social media addiction often feel the need to use social media to function in their daily lives. This behaviour is partly driven by the fact that people often rely on social media to boost positive emotions and escape negative ones, as well as to help them avoid feeling the discomfort of not using it. Social media users frequently turn to these platforms to check for status updates, news feeds, or friend requests in pursuit of "diversion, self-presentation, and relationship building". This constant need for continuous content reinforces the urge to seek updates, further fueling the addiction.

What does social media addiction look like?

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of social media addiction are like that of substance abuse – which include mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Here are some areas to look for when trying to identify social media addiction:

  1. Excessive use and changes in mood: This includes the compulsion to engage excessively with social media. When not engaged in the platform, this can develop into intense feelings of anger, frustration or even anxiety when restricted or stopped.
  2. Impaired vocational and academic performance: Another symptom that many may experience is poor vocational and academic performance especially among students. According to a 2019 study, social media addiction may mean more time is spent online and less time on studying, leading to an interference with students’ work by distracting them and being unable to remain focused.
  3. Psychological difficulties: While excessive social media use does not directly cause psychological difficulties, it can exacerbate existing mental health issues, particularly in users who already experience depressive symptoms. This occurs because users may form incorrect conclusions about their physical appearance, educational level, or intelligence, often perceiving that others are happier or more successful than they are.
  4. Poor self-esteem: Social media addiction has a strong negative impact on self-esteem. This is due to the constant self-evaluation, by comparing oneself to others and their achievements presented on social media – giving a rise to jealousy and feelings of inadequacy.

Social media addiction is a complex condition that is still being researched to this day. So many people in the world are constantly using social media and yet, few studies have uncovered the long-term effects of social media on mental health and wellbeing. However, with anything and everything, moderation is the key. Take some time off the screen by engaging in other hobbies and interests that you enjoy. 

If you think you are developing symptoms of social media addiction, do not worry too much as treatment is available and recovery is possible. Seek professional diagnosis and help as soon as possible to find a rehabilitation program that best suits your needs and symptoms.

Remember — the conscious choice of regularly stepping away from social media, even for a short time, can help restore balance and improve your overall well-being. There is also life beyond the screen, offering more fulfilling relationships, experiences, and opportunities waiting to be explored.

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