Society and Mental Health

Social Media Detox and Mental Health

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It’s almost impossible to use our phones without engaging with social media — it’s likely one of the main reasons we use them in the first place! Given the amount of time we spend on these platforms, it’s crucial to consider how much social media is influencing us daily. This makes it all the more important to take regular breaks, particularly for our mental health wellbeing. Issues like self-esteem, eating disorders, depression, and other aspects of well-being can be significantly impacted by our online interactions.

Taking a Social Media Detox

Here are some tips to follow that can help with a little social media detox:

  • Try to set app limits. Some phones have screen time limits through their settings, and this can help ensure that you aren’t mindlessly scrolling through social media for hours, but rather using it wisely.
  • If possible, delete your social media apps. This completely removes you from using it, and although it might be a bit extreme, it will really help with ensuring that you take the break.
  • Setting dedicated times for social media use. This can work hand in hand with setting app limits through your phone. Locking apps is also another method in deterring you from using social media. This still allows you to use social media, but with time restrictions, which is much healthier.
  • If you wish to continue using social media, try unfollowing accounts that may trigger you. Often, triggers can stem from wanting to compare the lives shown on social media with real life. Some examples of triggers are:
    • Constant display of what the ‘ideal’ should look like — lifestyle, body image, success.
    • The idea that something interesting is always happening in everyone’s daily lives - for example, the neat alignment of daily story updates on social media.
    •  The breeding of FOMO — also known as the fear of missing out — always hurts, especially when social media is encouraging that feeling to grow.
    • The need to compare — may it be how your own feed looks or how you should present yourself in the real world.

Positive Impacts of a Social Media Detox

Now that we have the tools to help ourselves from the chaos of social media and what it can do to our mental health, it’s also good to encourage your friends to do the same. So, here are some benefits of taking a social media break that you can share to others: 

Get to miss your friends less

It helps reprioritize what truly matters, such as real interactions with friends. These face-to-face connections are far more fulfilling than just seeing glimpses of their lives on social media. Being together in person is better for the soul and strengthens the bonds that truly count.

Stop Comparing 

Stops the cycle of comparison bred through social media. Let’s be honest, we’ve all compared ourselves to the things that popped on our feed. But imagine if we just stopped seeing our feed, all of sudden – this would help nurture our self-esteem, as well as to focus on the real life of what it’s really like without needing to constantly compare.

Feeling Good 

Spending time on social media for prolonged periods of time can lead to poor mental health. Imagine feeling so stress-free and less anxious just by removing social media?


Better Sleep Quality

You get better quality sleep, which ultimately improves your overall mental health and wellbeing! A lot of us use social media right before we go to bed and right when we wake up. Those sad feelings, like FOMO, get associated with your sleep time, which can negatively impact your sleep.

Although it's easy to acknowledge that much of what we see on social media is an illusion, removing it from your feed can make a significant difference. By curating what we expose ourselves to, we can protect our mental well-being and reduce unnecessary stress. In doing so, we create a healthier balance between the online world and our real-life experiences. It’s important to always remember that moderation and intentionality are key to maximizing the benefits of social media, while minimizing its negative impact on mental health and our relationships.

Sleep Foundation. (2021). Sleep & social media: Staying connected can keep you up. Retrieved from https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/sleep-and-social-media

Tiggemann, M., & Anderberg, I. (2019). Social media is not real: The effect of ‘Instagram vs reality’ images on women’s social comparison and body image. New Media & Society, 22(12), 2183-2199. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444819888720 

Walton, A. (2022). 6 ways social media affects our mental health. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2017/06/30/a-run-down-of-social-medias-effects-on-our-mental-health/?sh=e7365532e5af