Society and Mental Health

Impact of social media towards mental health

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There is a strong link between social media and mental health wellbeing. As we continue to use social media on a daily basis, our constant online interaction with others certainly has an impact on our mental health – whether it be positive or negative. Therefore, it is important to recognize when our mental health is being affected, whether for better or worse, and there are always two impacts with every situation.

Positive Aspects of Social Media

Here are some positive aspects of social media and how it can positively impact your life:

  1. Sense of Belonging
    Social media is an effective platform for connecting with others, even when you're physically distant. For some individuals, online interactions are the preferred method of communication. With the ability to connect with a broad range of people from diverse backgrounds, it's easy to find a community where you belong. This interconnected network fosters greater community and civic engagement, with the shared goal of helping one another improve.
  2. Greater Support Network
    Another significant benefit of social media is the access to a larger support network. The speed of the internet allows users to access a vast amount of information in a short time. For individuals experiencing psychological symptoms, this offers an opportunity to discuss their experiences, share coping strategies, and connect with others who understand their challenges. Users are more likely to feel less isolated knowing that others share similar experiences, as reflected in the stories they tell.
  3. Promoting Mental Health Education
    By removing the barrier of in-person meetings, social media allows users to connect with peers and access information about mental health disorders almost instantly. Online peer support is available 24/7, and with access to evidence-based services and resources, individuals can set goals and prevent relapse in the long term, especially when supported by a strong network. Adolescents reported that social media helped focus their attention on mental health issues, which may encourage individuals to seek professional help and receive treatment in the future.
  4. Outlet for Creativity and Self-Expression
    The anonymity provided by social media can help those who find it difficult to express themselves in real life to do so freely. In a world where stigmatization is a significant issue, individuals experiencing mental health challenges can connect with others and share their personal experiences without fear of being judged. This creates a space for self-expression without the stigma often associated with mental illness.

Negative Aspects of Social Media 

Here are some negatives that come with using social media and how it affects our mental health.

  1. Decreased Self-Esteem
    Individuals who spent more time on social media platforms such as Facebook reported to be more likely to feel envy or feel that others in their social network were better off than they were. With content and images on social media depicting unrealistic expectations on body image and lifestyle, users are more likely to feel insecure about how they look or what’s going on in their own life, leading to negative moods. 
  2. Loneliness
    Despite the ever-growing level of interconnectivity amongst the population, loneliness is one of the prime concerns in the virtual world we live in today. Studies have shown that excessive usage of social media does not only enhance loneliness overtime, but also leads to elevated levels of emotional loneliness. This leads users to increase their social media usage in an attempt to alleviate feelings of loneliness, creating a cycle where psychological dependence on social media gradually intensifies.
  3. Depression and Anxiety
    While social media use itself does not directly cause depression or anxiety, it can exacerbate underlying symptoms in individuals who already suffer from these conditions. In addition to contributing to lower self-worth and loneliness, studies have found that individuals who spend excessive time online and engage in image management activities are more likely to experience symptoms of major depression. Similarly, those who spend more time on social media often experience heightened anxiety, feeling restless when offline and compelled to check for updates.
  4. Cyberbullying
    In addition to the impact of traditional face-to-face bullying, cyberbullying not only intensifies these negative effects but also contributes to the development of depression and anxiety. Specifically, girls and young women tend to spend more time on social media than boys, making them more vulnerable to cyberbullying and more likely to experience negative mental health effects. These effects include depressive symptoms, self-harm, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

In conclusion, it’s important to educate yourself about the impact social media has on mental health and learn to use it mindfully. By doing so, you can harness its power for communication, creative self-expression and receiving or giving destigmatized support, while also minimizing its negative effects and protecting your mental health. If you feel that social media addiction is affecting you or someone you care about in your family or social group.

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