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Preventing Suicide

Finding your way back: After a Suicide attempt

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If you or someone you know is in imminent danger of suicide take them to a hospital or call emergency services on 119.  If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis, contact the following list of mental health hospitals which are available to provide crisis support.

  1. RSJ Amino Gondohutomo Semarang: (024) 6722565
  2. RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor: (0251) 8324024, 8324025, 8320467
  3. RSJ Soeharto Heerdjan Jakarta: (021) 5682841
  4. RSJ Prof Dr Soerojo Magelang: (0293) 363601
  5. RSJ Radjiman Wediodiningrat Malang: (0341) 423444

After a suicide attempt 

After a suicide attempt, you may feel lost, confused, and have a mix of overwhelming emotions. This is normal, as you have just been through an incredibly difficult ordeal. It is important to remember that there is always support available from people who care, and despite the hopelessness and discouragement that you may be feeling, you can and will recover with time.

Practicing Self-Care

Whilst it is always important to practice self-care, this is especially crucial after a suicide attempt.

  • Firstly, tend to any physical injuries that you might have. It is highly advisable to visit a doctor or General Practitioner who will be able to provide proper care for your injuries as well as assess your emotional condition, and work with you to develop a mental health care plan.
  • Take time for yourself in a safe space, until you feel ready to return to responsibilities. This could be at your home, or with a family member or friend you feel comfortable with. If this is not possible, contact a hospital or suicide hotline service to inquire about what other options are available.
  • Surround yourself with things that you love: This could be your pets, favourite foods, hobbies (new or old!), music, or nature!
  • Identifying triggers and prevention: Try avoiding triggers and remove anything from your home that you could potentially use to harm yourself, to reduce your likelihood of engaging in self-destructive behaviours.
  • Have emergency contacts such as those of a suicide hotline, parent, or doctor close at hand that you can easily access if you do begin to feel suicidal again.
  • Establishing a healthy routine: It also helps to establish a healthy routine, involving sufficient sleep, exercise, nutritious food, hobbies, and time with loved ones.

Assembling Your Support Network

Talking about your suicide attempt can feel daunting. However, it is important to remember that you are not at fault, and that the people who care about you will only wish for you to recover and be healthy. Ultimately, your own well-being comes first, and so starting the conversation around suicide with people who will be willing to support you will serve as an essential tool in recovery.

You can talk to the people you trust most or are closest to you. They will be able to support you in various ways, such as engaging in quality time with you, listening to you and providing comfort and encouragement.

You can also talk to a mental health professional who can refer you to appropriate services. Having a scheduled time to talk with a mental health professional can encourage tailored coping strategies, as well as feelings of catharsis and relief.

You might also wish to obtain a referral for an appointment with a psychiatrist, who will evaluate your situation and might prescribe you medication to help stabilise your mood while you get back on your feet.

Read more about Seeking Help here.

Creating A Safety Plan

Creating a safety plan involves outlining courses of action to ensure your safety if you do begin to feel suicidal again. A safety plan should comprise reasons to live and emergency contacts, and should be in an easily accessible place, such as your mobile phone.

Here are a few steps you can do to start building your safety plan: 

  1. Brainstorm possible triggers, events, and emotions that may lead to suicidal ideation. 
  2. List activities that promote your wellbeing and you feel safe and relaxed, which you can carry out when you are feeling suicidal. 
  3. You may also create a list of reasons to live, no matter how big or small these reasons are. When you are in a distressed headspace, this list will provide you with perspective by providing a physical reminder of the positive aspects of your life.
  4. It may also be beneficial to list methods of avoiding things that could cause negative moods, such as triggering websites or items you may use to harm yourself.

Share your safety plan with someone you trust, so that they can help keep you accountable to your plan. You may also find a written or verbal promise to yourself that you will follow through with your safety plan, might be helpful.

Beyond Blue. (2019). Finding Your Way Back.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (2019). After An Attempt.

Suicide Line Victoria. (2019). How To Make A Suicide Safety Plan.