
Understanding LGBTQ+

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Understanding LGBTQ+

When you talk about being straight, gay, lesbian, or transgender, do you actually realize that you are talking about gender identity and sexual orientation? Quick explanation about gender identity which refers to how someone identifies themselves as male, female, or something else. While sexual orientation refers to how someone is attracted to male partners, female partners, or both as many also call as heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual.

LGBTQ+ is an initial for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and more. Most people commonly use LGBTQ+ terms which included other communities in the LGBTTTQQIAA. Let’s take a look at what these initials mean!

Myths and Facts

As for other things and so with LGBTQ+, we might have caught ourselves in false information and have to seek a fact check. There are some myths that have been spread and we are here to give insights about the mislead information you might have heard. Parliamentarians for Global Action have spell out these myths and facts check on society view towards LGBTQ+ community. Here are some of myths which we also often hear in Indonesia and the fact check:


Actions, P. f. (2020). Advancing the Human Rights and Inclusion of LGBTI People. Retrieved from pgaction.org: https://www.pgaction.org/inclusion/practical-tools/myths-and-reality.html

Amalia, S. (2019). Sejarah Gerakan dan Perjuangan Hak-hak LGBT di Indonesia. Retrieved from Magdalene : A Slanted Guide to Women and Issues: https://magdalene.co/story/sejarah-gerakan-dan-perjuangan-hak-hak-lgbt-di-indonesia

APA. (2015). APA LGBT Resources and Publications. Retrieved from www.apa.org: https://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/resources/sexuality-definitions.pdf

Harahap, T., & Llewellyn, A. (2018). Struggling with Stigma: Indonesia’s LGBTQ “Exorcisms”. Retrieved from New Naratif: https://newnaratif.com/journalism/struggling-stigma-lgbtq-exorcism-indonesia/

ILO. (2016). PRIDE at work : A study on discrimination at work on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in Indonesia. International Labour Office, Geneva.

Muthmainnah, Y. (2016). LGBT Human Rights in Indonesian Policies . Indonesian Feminist Journal , 4.

OK2BEME.ca. (2020). OK2BEME.ca. Retrieved from ok2beme.ca: https://ok2bme.ca/resources/kids-teens/what-does-lgbtq-mean/

UNDP, USAID. (2014). Being LGBT in Asia: Indonesia Country Report . Bangkok.